Company: WORK Petaluma
Website: workpetaluma.com/
Contact: natasha@workpetaluma.com
I am a mother, an activist, and a business owner. My life and work and passion have been woven together into the creation of this simple coworking space – a model that at first just fulfilled my three requirements: to be good for the community, good for the planet, and have a viable business model. But it has grown into so much more – a family of unlikely friends who may never have otherwise crossed paths but now support and collaborate and teach each other to be better at business and better at life.
Being the child of 1970’s back-to-the-landers, watching my parents build our home from the ground up, being surrounded by do-it-yourselfers, and having a real love of math, science, puzzles, and people all contributed to my life-long love of residential architecture, especially traditional vernacular rooted in a strong sense of place.
Fast forward to 2012 and after two decades fully submersed in the world of residential architecture, I was ready for a change. Enter a new era of entrepreneurial spirit. Taking that DIY attitude in a totally different direction, my husband Matt Moller (no stranger to the world of start-ups) and I decided to take on a whole new venture combining good old fashioned brick-and-mortar with a 21st Century business model to create coworking in Petaluma and a sense of place in a world of virtual work.