LECTURE: Fractals on the Mind: Biophilia in Art, Design, and Psychology – Fri Dec 11, 2020 – Recording Available

Fractal geometry evokes a certain visual affinity to nature in humans. “Biophilia” refers to a psychic resonance to natural stimuli that is rooted in our deep evolution. New scientific theories, mathematical modeling, and design practices are pointing the way for a more sustainable world that embraces our biophilia. It can inform architectural design, and more […]
CRASH COURSE: So you want to teach online? Here is what you need to know… – FRI November 13th 2020 – RECORDING AVAILABLE

Online education is an avenue not only for sharing what you are best at with an engaged audience, but also cultivating community, raising awareness, increasing status, building a client base, and making money! In this crash course we will go over the basics of what you need to know to launch a successful online program, […]
CLIMATE CHAT: Lowering Carbon Footprints While Lifting Wellbeing – Fri Aug 28th 2020 – RECORDING AVAILABLE

Biologist E.O. Wilson stated “The great challenge of the 21st century is to raise people everywhere to a decent standard of living while preserving as much of the rest of life as possible.” Can we share and sustain the planet while lifting even more people into a better life? The answer is revealed by the […]
CRASH COURSE: Flourishing in These Unprecedented Times – Fri June 5th 2020 -RECORDING AVAILABLE

Steven (The Brain Whisperer) Campbell is back, and just in time to help us get our heads straight. Natasha loved his first talk at WORK so much, she listened to his audio book – twice! The world has been thrown into a tailspin from the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re all trying to adjust to a “new […]
Q&A: COVID-19 Resources for Businesses and Freelancers – Tues April 7th 2020 – RECORDING AVAILABLE

Petaluma Economic Development Specialist and longtime coWORKer Nancy Sands will be joining us on Zoom right after Coffee Social next Tuesday to give us an update and answer your questions. Jump on the call to find out the latest information on support for local small businesses, freelancers, sole proprietors, and gig workers. Tuesday, April 7th, […]
CLIMATE CHAT: Pass On Gas-Why the World is Phasing out Natural Gas in Buildings VIA ZOOM! – FRI April 3rd 2020 – RECORDING AVAILABLE

Cities like Petaluma, states like California and New York, and whole countries like the Netherlands are starting to phase out gas in their buildings. Director of the Building Decarbonization Coalition Panama Bartholomy will discuss the movement to get the fastest growing source of climate pollution in the world, natural gas, out of buildings. He’ll cover: […]
CRASH COURSE: Making the Most of WORKing from Home – VIA ZOOM! – WED April 1st 2020 – RECORDING AVAILABLE

How do I thrive in this strange new world? Most of us are experiencing major changes in the way we work and live in light of the global pandemic. None of us know for sure how this will all shake out but there’s one thing for sure–things will be a little (or a lot) different. […]
ROUNDTABLE: From Artificial Intelligence to Artificial Consciousness – Fri March 6th 2020

Emeritus professor Buzz Kellogg would like to invite everyone interested in our future life with A.I. to an extended 90-minute guided discussion, this time focusing on the transition from Artificial Intelligence to Artificial Consciousness. He will talk about the very controversial idea of machine learning evolving into what is called A.G.I., or Artificial General Intelligence. […]
CRASH COURSE: Press Kit 101 – Fri Feb 28th 2020

If your organization is doing great work but not doing a great job in sharing its accomplishments, programs, and events with local media—this crash course gives you a jump on creating a comprehensive press kit tailored to what the working media actually needs. Daedalus Howell, editor of the North Bay Bohemian and the Pacific Sun, […]
AUTHOR VISIT CLIMATE CHAT: Why We Can Still Build a Thriving Future (& Easy Ways to Help) – Monday, Feb 24th, 2020 7-8:30 PM

Please join us for an inspiring evening as DeMocker shares ways to feel empowered in the fight for a healthy planet while deepening our connections to one another. She promises you’ll leave with at least three easy ways to change our system – not just our light bulbs. Scientists say humanity has only a few […]