August 21, 2020 – Written by Natasha Juliana and Edited by Linda Jay What the HELL is going on!? I’ve lived 48 years with the world being a certain way: Presidents acted presidential, or at least tried to be good leaders, especially in times of crisis. There was at least some sense of patriotism that bound all Americans together, especially in […]
Thoughts from Julia: Coronavirus

Written by Julia Carlisle I find what’s hardest is waking up to a beautiful spring day – bright sun, birds, the sound of a confused pair of ducks quacking on a still factory roof (strangely) and the immense silence of no traffic on the Boulevard…Spring – life blooming – while we cannot revel fully – […]
coWORKer Highlight – Tammy Swanson

Helping Energetic Teenagers Enjoy Learning – Even During Shelter-in-Place Written By coWORKer Linda Jay Tammy Swanson made a huge career decision in 2017, after teaching high school for 25 years. “What I love most is the creativity and energy of the students, helping them learn and move their education forward. So I decided to […]
coWORKer of the Month: Kendra Murray

Welcome Kendra Murray to WORK’s Front Desk! She’s Here on Monday A.M.s and Wednesdays Written By Linda Jay WORK’s new part-time front desk person, Kendra Murray, has a background of music, theater, audio and voiceover work, and … a ten-year stint as a nurse. “I got an Associate Degree in Nursing from Clark County […]

February 6, 2020 – Written by Natasha Juliana and Edited by Linda Jay Can you see god in a flock of turkeys? I can. So much so that it makes me weep. Not the God of books or religions, but the god of everything – every rock, every bird, every blade of grass, every dew drop, […]
coWORKer of the Month: Jessica Mott

Written by Julia Carlisle The cliché of an accountant is someone who’s beige in form and color, a person who toils in the back office over the years with only numbers and spreadsheets for friends. Then the accountant – little seen – with few accolades over the course of keeping small companies and large corporations […]
coWORKer of the Month: Marie Mintalucci

Marie Mintalucci Taking Steps toward Achieving Her Vision to Help Deserving Women Who Live in Developing Economies Written By CoWORKer Linda Jay CoWORKer Marie Mintalucci has recently been taking giant steps toward her vision: she plans to start a program that offers personalized savings plans for specific goals (e.g., sending a child to school) to […]
Lessons from a Power Outage

Written by Natasha Juliana.- June 13, 2019 Tuesday afternoon around 3:40, while the outside temperature hovered around 100 degrees, the power at WORK started acting weird. The lights dimmed a little, the A/C shut down – the thermostat flickered on and off. The WiFi was still working and you could charge a phone, but you […]
Shared Values

My second year of college, I ended up in this tiny shack of a house on a beautiful tree-lined block in Eugene, Oregon. My room was an uninsulated converted single-car garage attached to the back. My freshman dorm-mate, Eileen, had one of the teensy bedrooms up front, and there was one bedroom remaining. I don’t […]
Eleven Years

Written by Natasha Juliana – April 25th, 2019 I woke up around 4:30 this morning. Maybe a little earlier (I tend to be in denial and pretend to be asleep for a while before I dare look at the clock). I told you last week that I’d been able to transform my anxiety around the […]