We’ve had 21 Climate Chats over the last 2 years, tapping into a wide range of expertise and building a community of thoughtful, caring participants. My curiosity and enthusiasm for ever increasing amounts of knowledge and insight has not waned. At times, it feels like drinking from a firehose, but I’m going to attempt to boil it all down to twelve key concepts: Six that help us define the problem and six that help us find the solutions. Wish me luck! 😉
If you’ve been to none of our Climate Chats, consider this a chance to catch the highlights. If you’ve been to all of them, come to see if my favorite takeaways are the same as yours. In either case, I hope you will join me.
12-1 PM on Friday, February 14th, 2020 at WORK (10 4th St, Petaluma)
CLIMATE CHATS are brought to you free by WORK Petaluma. Donations are very welcome and help us pay the rent and put in the work it takes to keep this program going, month after month! 🙂 Love what we are doing? Please consider becoming an official “Friend of WORK,” if you are not already a member: https://workpetaluma.com/friends-of-work/ This support makes a world of difference!
Bio: Natasha Juliana (who feels very uncomfortable talking about herself in the third person) is the owner/founder of WORK Petaluma, a coworking space with a mission to help mitigate climate change and strengthen community. In 2017, the week after the Tubbs Fire, she was trained by Al Gore as a Climate Reality Leader. Since then, she has been determined to integrate more Climate Action into her daily work. She is a founding member of Climate Action Petaluma, on the steering committee of the Sustainable Design Assessment Team grant, and a Board member of Daily Acts.