Welcome Kendra Murray to WORK’s Front Desk!
She’s Here on Monday A.M.s and Wednesdays
Written By Linda Jay

WORK’s new part-time front desk person, Kendra Murray, has a background of music, theater, audio and voiceover work, and … a ten-year stint as a nurse. “I got an Associate Degree in Nursing from Clark County Community College in Las Vegas in 1992, after I had earned a B.A. in Business Management from the University of Puget Sound in 1987. My favorite jobs have involved working with creative people: Box Office Manager at the Berkshire Theatre Festival, Substitute Librarian at Sonoma Mountain Elementary School, Actor/Associate Producer with Petaluma Radio Players. When I’m not at WORK Petaluma, I can often be found in our home recording studio, narrating audiobooks.”
Raised in the Berkshires of Massachusetts by parents who are musicians and music educators, Kendra has one older brother. She played the flute, sang in the chorus, and was very involved in theatre in both high school and college. “At the University of Puget Sound, I took classes with my WORK Petaluma pal, Stephanie Simon, and met my first husband there as well. He and I moved to Petaluma in 1992.”
Kendra has been married almost a year and a half to coWORKer Ralph Scott. “We met a couple Christmases ago when I saw Petaluma Radio Players perform at Hotel Petaluma. I loved what PRP was doing (and I thought the blonde dude producing the show was kind of cute, too!). So I checked out the PRP website – www.petalumaradioplayers.com – and emailed Ralph that I had ‘a face for radio.’ He invited me to audition at WORK Petaluma; we did a cold read of the script, One-Way Passage. I was cast as the female lead, and the rest, as they say, is history.”
Kendra has two young adult children, Haley and Emmett, who live in the Bay Area and still like her cooking. They all enjoy doing crafts together with Ralph’s daughter Lucy, who is super-crafty.
What does Kendra like best about WORK Petaluma? “I love the connectedness that happens rather organically as a result of sharing space, and ideas, with a broad range of coworkers. There’s no professional competitiveness here. Some really cool collaborations have started here – PRP, for example.”