Steven (The Brain Whisperer) Campbell is back, and just in time to help us get our heads straight. Natasha loved his first talk at WORK so much, she listened to his audio book – twice!
The world has been thrown into a tailspin from the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re all trying to adjust to a “new normal.” But how do you find a new normal when the information keeps changing?
So much uncertainty. Paralyzing fear for your safety and that of your loved ones. Insecurity over the economic crisis. There’s no crystal ball telling you how long this will go on. It’s disconcerting, to say the least.
Your mind swirls with the words pivot, adapt, switch gears. Sometimes you want to throw those words right back at the source from which they came.
Why? Because your emotions haven’t been addressed. Steven Campbell will show you that success comes from HOW you think. He presents an eye-opening look at the latest brain research on how you can thrive in this new normal.
Attendees will walk away with 3 powerful tools:
1. How to replace the way you think with a new mindset attuned to the “new normal.”
2. A down-to-earth understanding of where your feeling comes from and how to replace fear with feelings that flourish in whatever is to come.
3. A list of practical steps to make it all happen!
Join us Friday, June 5th from 12-1 PM on Zoom.
This Crash Course is brought to you free by WORK Petaluma, but a $10 suggested donation for non-members is greatly appreciated so that we can keep the rent paid and put in the work required to bring you these great events month after month!
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Bio: Audiences are singing the praises of Steven and his humorous, motivating presentations. A sought after speaker with a teacher’s heart and deep knowledge of the mind, Steven engages attendees with inspiring workshops that truly change lives and businesses, one brain at a time.In addition to speaking from the stage and in workshops, Steven hosts the radio show Your Amazing Mind. He is the author of Making Your Mind Magnificent and has written two college textbooks. With a master’s degree in information systems, his vast experience also include careers as a hospital administrator, a college professor, and an education dean. https://stevenrcampbell.com/