Still writing that Great American Novel? Why is your self-portrait only half painted? Is your film project in permanent post-production? And why didn’t you pitch on that coveted project? Creatives and artists frequently find themselves blocked and in a shame spiral of self-sabotage. Identities are questioned, life goals are sidelined, and your calling “calling” becomes bawling. Alone. Often in the dark.

In this seminar-style crash course, we’ll identify the specific type of block you might be experiencing (mental blocks, emotional barriers, shabby habits, existential crises) and explore exercises and methods to overcome them.


FREE for WORK members (including Friends of WORK!) and $10 at-the-door for Non-WORK Members. Help us keep the lights on and great programs coming your way!

Noon-1 PM in the WORK Library. Feel free to bring a bag lunch.

Bio: Daedalus Howell is a novelist (Quantum Deadline) and filmmaker (Pill Head) who has overcome dozens of his own creative blocks and now coaches other creatives to do the same so they can create — and complete! — their best work.