
Are you interested in writing for kids? Petaluma-based Children’s Book Publisher Cameron Kids will be here to offer up advice. Publisher, Nina Gruener and Editor, Amy Novesky will be on hand to answer questions about children’s book publishing and the process of making a book, including:

  • What they look for in a new book
  • Current and forthcoming titles on their list
  • The editorial and art direction process
  • Cameron Kids’ new hybrid packaging service

Feel free to bring your own questions, too!


12- 1 PM in the WORK Library (10 4th Street, Petaluma)

$10 at the door for Non WORK Members – help us keep the lights on and keep great programs coming your way! WORK Members FREE including Friends of WORK! (a special membership level for you regular attendees)

Bio:  Cameron + Company is a boutique publishing house, creating and distributing quality books and calendars with a focus on photography, art, food + wine, children’s and publications of regional interest.