Petaluma Economic Development Specialist and longtime coWORKer Nancy Sands will be joining us on Zoom right after Coffee Social next Tuesday to give us an update and answer your questions. Jump on the call to find out the latest information on support for local small businesses, freelancers, sole proprietors, and gig workers.
Tuesday, April 7th, 2020 at 11 AM on Zoom.
Curious about our weekly Coffee Social? Check it out here: https://workpetaluma.com/coffee-social/
This event is brought to you free by WORK Petaluma, but donations are greatly appreciated so that we can keep the rent paid and put in the work required to bring you these great events month after month! Love what we are doing? Consider becoming an official “Friend of WORK” here: https://workpetaluma.com/friends-of-work/ Your support makes a world of difference!