Every second and fourth Friday from 1:30-5:00 PM in the WORK Library (10 4th St, Petaluma)
1:30-2:00 PM – MAKE A PLAN (Facilitated goal-setting with Natasha)
2:00-5:00 PM – GET IT DONE! (Quiet, productive coWORKing time)

Limited to 8 people.
Do you need some help creating momentum so you can make real progress on your projects? Now’s your chance to use the power of working in community to get it done!
Come for all of the time or just part of the time. The first 30-45 minutes we use to set individual goals in a friendly, collaborative environment, and then we quiet down and get to WORK!
For WORK Members – Study Hall is TOTALLY FREE (including Friends of WORK at $25/month)
For Non-Members – $10 for the the Make a Plan section and an additional $10 for up to 3 hours of Get it Done coworking time (regularly $7/hour).