WORKshop logo Dana(Date changed to Sunday 4/24 because of the Butter and Eggs Day Parade on Saturday!)

What are you waiting for? If you are serious about investing in your business and yourself, this is the time to do it. These high-impact classes are taught by top-notch industry professionals, allowing you to dig into a variety of subjects and walk away with tangible skills and action items you can start applying immediately…

In this half-day workshop, web designer and developer Dana Weitzenberg will share with you tools, tips and strategies to help you stand out and shine online. From websites to social media; whether you are building everything yourself or working with a talented team of designers and developers; in this hands-on session we will dig into the specific things that you can do now to make your digital presence consistent, compelling, and effective.

During the workshop, you will:

DISCOVER what your web presence should be

• Analyze your website or idea

• Evaluate the online market

• Set measurable, realistic goals for your online presence

GET CREATIVE with specific website strategies

• How to stand out in a cookie-cutter online world

• Develop Calls to Action that really work

BE SOCIAL without being inauthentic

• Crash course on the “three biggies”( Facebook, Twitter and Instagram ) with specific strategies and examples of what works for each

• Tips for other social media “up-and-comers” to consider

GET FOUND by the people who matter most to your brand

• Demystify SEO (search engine optimization) — why Google wants people to find you as much as you do

Create an action plan for improving your online visibility, and learn how to measure the results

BIO:  Dana Weitzenberg has been designing and building websites for over a decade. In the seven years that she has been running Lobstervine Web Design, she has created websites for over 50 clients, as well as providing search engine optimization, social media and email marketing, and ecommerce consulting.

DATE: Sat April 23rd from 9AM-1PM (refreshments included)

LOCATION:  In the WORK Library – 10 Fourth Street, Petaluma

COST: $135 early bird special! $195 late bird (after 4/22/16). WORK Members and non-profits receive an additional $30 discount. (Want to be a Member? Check out our Friends of WORK level: ) And see NOTE below for multi-class deals!

REGISTER NOW! – space is limited to 12 students – RSVP to this Meetup and make your payment or call 707-721-6540

NOTE: This is Session #5 of a nine part series. See the full lineup here. WORKshops can be taken individually, or you can take the whole series for a complete experience. Buy two classes, get the third half off.