coWORKing Coffee Talk: What Problem Are You Trying to Solve? Mar 3rd 2015
If you are embarking on an entrepreneurial journey, where do you begin? coWORKer Brian has a lot of experience in the startup world and his first point to the group: If you’re expecting to be a success, you’d better understand what problem you are solving. It might be as simple as quelling boredom on the bus […]
coWORKing Coffee Talk: Post-Apocalyptic Skills – Feb 3rd 2015
What’s your post-apocalyptic skill? This subject keeps coming up at Coffee Social. We humans are brilliant animals who can orbit the earth in a space station and trap all of human knowledge in a smart phone, but if all hell broke loose, would we have the basic skills needed to survive? Barry, for example, wants […]
coWORKing Coffee Talk: Resolutions (Part 1) – Jan 22nd 2015
Argh! It’s that time of year again. I’m not normally a New Year’s Resolution kind of person, but I do appreciate marking a time in the year for reflection and goal setting. As we made our way around the table during Coffee Social last week, we gave everyone a chance to voice their hopes and […]
Branding: From Cars to Coworking
Would you buy a Hyundai? Or a Kia? Or a Buick? I don’t think of our crew down at WORK as being terribly brand-conscious, but when talk went to cars and identity, some deep-seated biases reared their heads. “Branding” seems to be all the rage these days, and for good reason. Humans very often make […]
A letter to my coWORKers – Nov 19th 2014
I miss you guys. Part of the beauty of WORK is that it’s flexible – a great place to get something started or switch up your career. That means we attract a lot of people in transition. It’s exciting to watch a new idea take root or a person between jobs find a new calling. […]
coWORKing Coffee Talk: What have we forgotten? Nov 11th 2014
The human animal is amazing. We tweet messages around the world at nearly the speed of light from our iPhones and inhabit a solar-powered space station the size of a football field hurtling around the planet at 17,000 miles per hour. Wow! But go to any bookstore and you’ll find large sections dedicated to “health,” […]
Natasha’s Tips for Networking while coWORKing
A few weeks ago, Kate Swoboda asked for my take on how best to network while coworking. Tip number three ended up in her article for Entrepreneur Magazine, but I thought I’d share all four… 1. Socialize. Taking a few minutes to say good morning or grabbing a lunchtime sandwich with your coworkers can lead to an […]
coWORKing Coffee Talk: Driving – The Good, The Bad, and The Awesome – Oct 14th 2014
Living in Petaluma has spoiled me. My daily commute to WORK is a beautiful 12-minute walk, to and from school is a 10-minute round-trip drive, our house is close enough to downtown to make most of my daily needs within arm’s reach. It hasn’t always been this way. I grew up in rural Northern California, […]
Lean In to Your Whole Life – Oct 9th 2014
This summer I read Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In. I don’t know why it took me so long to pick this book up. With all of the hype and controversy around it I think I was afraid of what it might say. But once I started reading, I found Sandberg articulating so many of the challenges I’ve […]
coWORKing Coffee Talk: What Haven’t We Talked About? Sept 23rd 2014
After two years of chit-chat over coffee once a week, are we running out of new ideas? My challenge to the group today: tell me something different! Negentropy – To get us started, Jeffrey proposed the following theory: life equals reverse entropy, or negentropy. According to Wikipedia, “a living system imports negentropy and stores it.” […]