coWORKing Coffee Talk: The Year of the Profit – Jan 7th 2014
As you’d expect, we have a lot of startups at WORK. To kick off the New Year one coWORKer’s company has declared 2014 ‘The Year of the Profit’! The crowded table of eager entrepreneurs enthusiastically cheered this idea. Woohoo! We’ll all jump on that bandwagon! Self-funded family companies, lone rangers setting out to create their […]
coWORKing Coffee Talk: Two things needed to succeed – Dec 17th 2013
To succeed you need two things: to start, and to finish. Right? coWORKer Julie Peteren is our resident writer/researcher specializing in education. She just finished a soon-to-be-published article about education startups that have made big bucks, which led us into a discussion about the increasingly popular — but not yet profitable –MOOCs (massive open online course: […]
coWORKing Coffee Talk: Sticky Situations – Dec 10th 2013
What happens when ‘success’ brings unintended consequences? You might just find yourself in a sticky situation. Most of life exists in varying shades of grey, but it is so much easier to plan for black and white. If this, then that. Make the rules and stick to them. My ‘bring’ to the table this week was […]
coWORKing Coffee Talk: Hold the sugar, pass the Salt? Dec 3rd 2013
Huh? What are you doing Jeffrey!? Is that salt you just added to your coffee? Well, that’s one way to start a conversation. Having overheard that salt will take away the bitterness, he just had to experiment…and it worked!…which prompted all sorts of hypotheses. We have a lot of science lovers here at WORK and […]
coWORKing Coffee Talk: Data vs Knowledge – Nov 26th 2013
Data. BIG DATA. We live in an age of ever increasing data. What can be done with it is fascinating, powerful, and sometimes scary. We use Google to predict flu trends, Twitter to track moods and stocks, and 23andMe to reveal the genetic secrets hidden in our DNA. At coffee one morning, coWORKer Chris tells […]
coWORKing Coffee Talk: The Concept of Retirement – Nov 19th 2013
“Coffee social is the best conversation of my week.” Seriously, several people have told me this. And I feel the same way. Yesterday was no exception… What’s the best way to use your brain at 20? How about 60? As we age we gain wisdom, but in a world of rapidly advancing technology we also […]
coWORKing Coffee Talk: Utopia here we come? Nov 12th, 2013
As much as we complain about ‘the world today’, in general we live with more stability, security, and peace than ever before. But dovetailing nicely into our talk of democracy versus dictatorship a few weeks back, we are once again tempted to ask a few questions on our quest for the ultimate society. Take safety […]
coWORKing Coffee Talk: Democracy vs Dictatorship – Nov 26th 2013
So, this could get controversial. Luckily, Coffee Social is filled with open-minded people who love to take ideas down interesting paths…. What’s the best way to get things done? Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE our democracy, and am particularly grateful to our mothers’ mothers, who fought for my right to vote. (Well done, sister […]
coWORKing Coffee Talk: Predicting The Future – Oct 22nd 2013
“They promised us life in space, flying cars, and jetpacks but all we got were pocket-sized rectangles containing all human knowledge.” We love this quote (and look closely at the table). This week coffee social turned to talk of technology and predictions for the future. I re-watched ‘Back to the Future II’ recently, which came […]
coWORKing Coffee Talk: Not all things can be fast- Oct 8th 2013
Why does this crowd gather around the table once a week to chit chat in the middle of a Tuesday morning? Being graced by the company of John Crowly (of Aqus Café and Aqus Community fame) the conversation naturally meandered into social capital territory. As this digital age completely engulfs us, many are left longing for […]