Online education is an avenue not only for sharing what you are best at with an engaged audience, but also cultivating community, raising awareness, increasing status, building a client base, and making money! In this crash course we will go over the basics of what you need to know to launch a successful online program, from a webinar series to a year(s) long training course and anything in between, on any topic. Where should you begin with choosing a platform, curriculum design, timeslots, home production, cloud resources, and things to consider you don’t even realize you need to consider? In this lunch hour, we will survey effective strategies for setting your class apart from the sea of online offerings while making a real difference in the lives of your participants.
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Bio: Cristina Star Ryan Transformative Education Entrepreneur loves to help people craft their talents into effective programs. Having enjoyed 8 years of college classes, she began producing public online courses for adults back in 2012 and owned the online education company, TRU Education, until 2018. Since, she has worked as a consultant for Thinkific and personal clients launching online courses. Her specialty is transformative education. Different from simply learning a skill or information, TE designs a shift where some qualities of the daily experience of the participant permanently transform. The online world is immense and it’s easy to get lost. It’s also easy to set yourself apart and reach like minded communities all over the globe, if you know how. Cristina helps clients think outside the box, question the status quo, and stay on the leading edge of technology and positive psychology to craft a truly unforgettable online education experience.