NickThousands of years ago, every culture had wise elders who would guide the people in their tribe as they grew, in harmony with the rest of the tribe and with the environment. They all had tools that they used, that would invariably be structured as a wheel. Over the last couple of thousand years, most cultures have lost this ancient knowledge, and look where we are now.

Look inside a modern business and you’ll often find disconnect, conflict, and despair, all happening within a company that should, in theory, have everyone working together toward a common goal.

It is time to re-learn what we have forgotten.

Nick Brown is a Banking Technologist and Entrepreneur. He has also spent years working with a shaman learning about the Inuit Medicine Wheel, and discovering how to apply it to businesses to help them evolve.

The Wheel is a very simple tool which can be used in many different ways for many different purposes. It can be used for your business, your job, your career path, or even your home life.

It can be used to:

  • Resolve problems and decide action.
  • Appreciate other people and why it is good that they think differently.
  • Create the future you want – yes, there is a specific step-by-step process to Creativity.

For this talk Nick encourages questions, and will be looking for specific examples of work/career related problems that you may be having to demonstrate this tool.


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12-1 PM in the WORK Library.  Feel free to bring a bag lunch.