Matt Moller is well know as the guy who gets things done. Put his starter power to work for you.

We know first hand how working on your own can be simultaneously liberating and limiting. To help you keep your projects moving forward, Matt Moller (my husband, WORK cofounder, and serial entrepreneur/technology executive well-known for his unique ability to get things done) and I will be experimenting with a new offering: Momentum at WORK.

WHY: Working independently has major benefits, but also some drawbacks – like only the dog to bounce ideas off and the cat to hold you accountable.

WHAT: Two-hour meeting twice a month with other go-getters like yourself, directed by Matt Moller with help from Natasha Juliana. The first half hour, Matt or a guest speaker will introduce a practical skill applicable to the group to get things rolling, followed by discussion, and then a roundtable check-in to chart courses, navigate roadblocks, and celebrate milestones.

WHEN: The first and third Friday of the month from 8:30-10:30 a.m in the WORK Library. This first session will run from February 3rd through March 24th and, if all goes well, we’ll run quarterly sessions after that.

HOW MUCH: Normally these sessions will run $395/quarter for WORK members and $455/quarter for non-members. But to kick it off, this Founding Group of go-getters will snag these first two months for a total of just $140 for members and $180 for non-members.

JOIN: If you want to join this select group of self-starters on a mission to get things done, email today and we’ll build Momentum together! And send any questions or comments our way, too!

Bio: WORK co-founder, Matt Moller, has 20+ years experience managing the work of distributed teams, from digging in with 4 scrappy founders to managing large multi-national (200+ engineer) teams.  He started his first company on the benefits of distributed collaborative work via the promise of new technology and continues to this day.  Come gain from the pragmatic approaches he’s learned to maximize the efficiency and gains of distributed teams.