CLIMATE CHAT: Coping with Climate Distress – FRI November 8th 2019

CLIMATE CHAT: Coping with Climate Distress – FRI November 8th 2019

These are traumatic times. From local wildfires and floods to mass human migrations and species extinctions, we are experiencing unprecedented global change and uncertainty. This upheaval has a profound affect on our individual emotional and physical health, our social functioning, our overall well-being, and the health of our community. So how do we navigate the […]

CRASH COURSE: Selling Your Services With More Ease and Confidence – FRI October 25th 2019

CRASH COURSE: Selling Your Services With More Ease and Confidence – FRI October 25th 2019

When you think of the word sales, what comes to your mind? Do you automatically imagine a sleazy, used car salesman who is trying to manipulate you into a purchase? Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs have old and outdated impressions of what it means to sell their services. If you think that selling is icky or sleazy, […]

CRASH COURSE: Designing Your Dream – FRI October 18th 2019

CRASH COURSE: Designing Your Dream – FRI October 18th 2019

Do you want to discover your purpose and design your dream life? Would you like to eliminate fear, doubt, and worry and move toward your goals with confidence? Do you want to achieve greater results with less effort? If these questions resonate with you, then join us as speaker James Allen shares: Two essential keys […]

CRASH COURSE: How Storytelling Can Bring Soul & Sales to Your Business – FRI September 27th 2019

CRASH COURSE: How Storytelling Can Bring Soul & Sales to Your Business – FRI September 27th 2019

As entrepreneurs, start ups, and small businesses, we are in love with how our products and/or services can help others. As we should be. For the short term, people buy for solving a problem, but most recurring sales are based on clients and customers identifying with our brand as it relates to our “story.” Storytelling […]

CLIMATE CHAT: Video Interview with Dr. David Suzuki – Fri Sept 13th, 2019

CLIMATE CHAT: Video Interview with Dr. David Suzuki – Fri Sept 13th, 2019

Someone suggested we do daytime documentary screenings, so I thought this would be a great opportunity to watch this powerful one-hour video of Dr David Suzuki. Interviewed by Australian entrepreneur and business strategist Kerwin Rae, Suzuki talks about climate change and the need to move beyond business as usual. The environmentalist, activist, professor of genetics […]

CRASH COURSE: Unblock Those Creative Blocks – FRI August 16th 2019

CRASH COURSE: Unblock Those Creative Blocks – FRI August 16th 2019

Still writing that Great American Novel? Why is your self-portrait only half painted? Is your film project in permanent post-production? And why didn’t you pitch on that coveted project? Creatives and artists frequently find themselves blocked and in a shame spiral of self-sabotage. Identities are questioned, life goals are sidelined, and your calling “calling” becomes […]

CLIMATE CHAT: Where Do Our Clothes Come From? – Fri August 2nd 2019

CLIMATE CHAT: Where Do Our Clothes Come From? – Fri August 2nd 2019

The climate discussion often focuses around alternative energy production, transportation options, building construction, and food systems. But we’ve been neglecting an important component of our consumption: FIBER. In this age of fast fashion, Americans, on average, buy about 65 garments per person per year, with much ending up in landfills. Communities around the world often […]

CRASH COURSE: PR for Entrepreneurs, Small Biz and Non-Profits – Fri June 21st 2019

CRASH COURSE: PR for Entrepreneurs, Small Biz and Non-Profits – Fri June 21st 2019

If you want to be an influencer in your industry or the non-profit everyone wants to support, you’ve got to get bigger media visibility. Based on her international bestseller, Guerrilla Publicity, Jill Lublin shares simple strategies to help you go from unknown to newsworthy. Sharing her proven secrets to understanding what the media wants, Jill […]

CLIMATE CHAT: The Sonoma Climate Challenge – Join the Action! Fri June 7th 2019

CLIMATE CHAT: The Sonoma Climate Challenge – Join the Action! Fri June 7th 2019

The Sonoma Climate Challenge is about rising up in this historic moment and coming together to take action towards the shared goal of richer, more resilient lives and communities. This joint action of the Sonoma County Regional Climate Protection Agency and Daily Acts has the ambitious—and achievable!—goal to have 500 households participate and collectively reduce […]