CLIMATE CHAT: Natasha’s Top 12 Takeaways from the Last 2 Years – Fri Feb 14th 2020

We’ve had 21 Climate Chats over the last 2 years, tapping into a wide range of expertise and building a community of thoughtful, caring participants. My curiosity and enthusiasm for ever increasing amounts of knowledge and insight has not waned. At times, it feels like drinking from a firehose, but I’m going to attempt to […]
ROUNDTABLE: Predicting the Future of AI – Fri, Jan 31st, 2020

Are you wondering what the future of Artificial Intelligence and the implications for work hold for you? Would you enjoy taking part in a conversation where we explore these rapidly emerging realities? You don’t need to be a scientist or technologist. You just need to be a person who cares about how we will maintain […]
CRASH COURSE: Great Photos Are Not Enough – Fri January 24th 2020

A great photo used in the right place can powerfully communicate an idea while building an emotional connection between the viewer and that idea. A great photo in the wrong place can distract from the message and confuse your audience. Great photos alone do not differentiate your firm. Your prospective clients expect to see great […]
Climate Chat: Empowering Women in Developing Economies – Fri Jan 17th, 2020

Project Drawdown lists “Educating Girls” and “Women Smallholders” (providing resources, financing, and training to women smallholder farmers around the world) as two of their top 100 strategies for addressing Climate Change. Nearly one billion women worldwide do not have bank accounts. This means they do not have access to funds for predictable life events, like […]
Study Hall – An Informal Accountability Group – 2nd and 4th Fridays

Every second and fourth Friday from 1:30-5:00 PM in the WORK Library (10 4th St, Petaluma) 1:30-2:00 PM – MAKE A PLAN (Facilitated goal-setting with Natasha)2:00-5:00 PM – GET IT DONE! (Quiet, productive coWORKing time) Limited to 8 people. Do you need some help creating momentum so you can make real progress on your projects? […]
WORKSHOP: Communication Skills for Business Professionals – FRI January 17th 2020

Come try new tools for communicating effectively in this fun, interactive workshop designed especially for business professionals. Using low-pressure improv exercises, you will learn practical tools that will help you collaborate more effectively at work. Come join us! No improv experience needed! No need to be funny! We create a safe and fun environment to […]
CRASH COURSE: Bridging the Gap to Greater Results – FRI January 10th 2020

Do you want to discover your purpose and design your dream life? Would you like to eliminate fear, doubt, and worry and move toward your goals with confidence? Do you want to achieve greater results with less effort? If these questions resonate with you, then join us as speaker James Allen shares: Two essential keys […]
CLIMATE CHAT: How Economic Models Affect Climate – FRI December 13th 2019

The Climate Crisis, in part, results from the deficient economic model we have been relying on since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. There is a gap that results in what we now call “externalities.” Externalities occur in an economy when the production or consumption of a specific good or service impacts a third party […]
CLIMATE CHAT: Healing the Ocean – Local Short-Films & Discussion – FRI November 22nd 2019

Every Second Breath Project is a short-film series that gives voice to (extra)ordinary people whose lives have been transformed by the ocean, who are doing something to heal the ocean, sharing with their community and thus have committed themselves to become agents of change. Over 50% of the oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean, […]
CRASH COURSE: What’s Your Message? What’s Your WHY?- FRI November 15th 2019

In marketing, so many of us forget to share WHY we’re doing what we do. What impact we want to make on the world. We need to build our marketing foundation to grow our audience and engagement. When thinking about how we market ourselves and our services there are a few things that are vitally […]