ROUNDTABLE: Predicting the Future of AI – FRI January 31st 2020
Are you wondering what the future of Artificial Intelligence and the implications for work hold for you? Would you enjoy taking part in a conversation where we explore these rapidly emerging realities? You don’t need to be a scientist or technologist. You just need to be a person who cares about how we will maintain […]
WORKSHOP: Communication Skills for Business Professionals – FRI January 17th 2020

Come try new tools for communicating effectively in this fun, interactive workshop designed especially for business professionals. Using low-pressure improv exercises, you will learn practical tools that will help you collaborate more effectively at work. Come join us! No improv experience needed! No need to be funny! We create a safe and fun environment to […]
CRASH COURSE: PR for Entrepreneurs, Small Biz and Non-Profits – Fri June 21st 2019

If you want to be an influencer in your industry or the non-profit everyone wants to support, you’ve got to get bigger media visibility. Based on her international bestseller, Guerrilla Publicity, Jill Lublin shares simple strategies to help you go from unknown to newsworthy. Sharing her proven secrets to understanding what the media wants, Jill […]
Lunchtime Lesson: CANCELLED: Execute and Monitor a Profitable Advertising Plan – Fri February 3rd 2017

Online advertising differs from all other forms because you can precisely plan, track and measure who sees your ads, how many acted on your ads and how many took the action you wanted the advertising to get them to do. This informative presentation will cover: • The major players in online advertising and how they differ. […]
Lunchtime Lesson: Stand in Your Strength to Achieve Success – Fri Jan 27th 2017

One of the most destructive problems in business, and our entire society, is our collective inability to define and stand in our unique strengths. When innate strengths are identified, leveraged and embodied your business takes root in away that will allow it to grow in satisfaction and profitability. Strengths are our unique intangible talents and […]
coWORKer of the Month: Firuze Gokce – January 2017

Written by coWORKer Linda Jay Talented in online marketing, networking, technology, and product positioning, Firuze Gokce is an enthusiastic new resident of Petaluma and coWORKer at Work Petaluma. Firuze, her husband and business partner Fethi, and their 13-year-old son John moved to the U.S. from Turkey in the fall of 2015. “I love Petaluma! It’s […]
Momentum at WORK – Starting Fri Feb 3rd 2017

Matt Moller is well know as the guy who gets things done. Put his starter power to work for you. We know first hand how working on your own can be simultaneously liberating and limiting. To help you keep your projects moving forward, Matt Moller (my husband, WORK cofounder, and serial entrepreneur/technology executive well-known for his […]
DRINKS+THINKS – Friday Jan 18th, 7PM – Save Less & Share More
FRIDAY JANUARY 18TH 7 PM @ WORK Petaluma (10 Fourth St @ B, across from Acre Coffee) Please click here to RSVP @ (The last session was very popular so RSVP is appreciated!) A contemporary salon for extraordinary ideas WORK Petaluma hosts a modern twist on the traditional salon, entertaining you with conversations on fascinating […]
Tech Drinks Meetup Thursday Jan 3rd @ 6PM
We’ll be having a Tech Drinks Meetup in the Lounge @ 6PM on Thursday January 3rd… 🙂 Please check out our meetup page to let us know you are coming etc… Hope to see you here!
Petaluma Post Article

Most professionals have experienced the freedom that modern mobility can offer. A laptop, a high speed internet connection and a cell phone can allow so many of us to work almost anywhere. Often this turns into the dining room table or the local coffee shop. At first, this seems great. But eventually the downside sets […]